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The Jedi Library

Here you will find books, articles, courses, podcasts, and video media for your further education. Next, various suggestions are grouped into different topic groups:

Online Libraries

     Classics of Psychology - Library of public domain books on Psychology curated by York University, Canada.

     Free Spiritual eBooks - Charity that offers free eBooks for download, most of which are not in the Public Domain.

     Internet Archive - 9.4M texts, 2.4M videos, 2.8M audios, 120k softwares, 1.1M images, 162k concerts, 198k collections. All free.

     Internet Enclyclopedia of Philosophy - Peer-reviewed academic resource of writings on and relating to philosophy.

     Jordan Peterson's Great Books List - links to buy 50 Great Books

     Matheson Trust (Library of Comparative Religion) - UK Charity providing free media in relation to the study of religion.

     Open Library - The book only part of the Internet Archive.

     Project Gutenburg - Over 50,000 free, high-quality eBooks from various authors and subjects.

     Sacred Text Archive - World's largest archive of books on religion, mythology, folklore, and the esoteric.

     Stanford Encyclopedia of Philsophy - Philisophical works from scholars around the world of multiple disciplines.

     Twilit Grotto: Archives of Western Esoterica - Western Esoterica.


BDEA - The Diamond Sutra online)

BDEA - The Sutra of the Master of Healing (online)

BDEA - Debate of King Melinda (online)

BDEA - Maha Satipatthana Sutta (online)

BDEA - Heart Sutra (online)

BDEA - Essentials of Buddhism (online)

BDEA - Cloud and Water (online)

BDEA - The Book of Protection (online)

BDEA - Researches in Buddhist Psychology (online)

BDEA - Ultimate Science (online)

Buddha - Dhammapada (audio)

Campbell, Joseph - Buddhism (audio)

Hagen, Steve – Buddhism Plain and Simple (borrow)

Hsu, Emily - Discovering Buddhism (online)

Rinpoche, Sogyal - The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (online)

Suzuki, DT - Mysticism Christian and Buddhist (online)

Trungpa, Chogyam - Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism (online)


Allen, James - As a Man Thinketh (online)

Besant, Annie - Esoteric Christianity (online)

Bible: King James Version (online)

Capps, David - The Gospel of Thomas (online)

Catholic Church - Catechism (online)

Evans, CD - Meister Eckhart (online)

Leloup, Jean-Yves - The Gospel of Philip (online)

Ramacharaka, Yogi - Mystic Christianity (online)

Rothwell, F - Jesus: The Last Great Initiate (online)

Suzuki, DT - Mysticism Christian and Buddhist (online)

Daoism / Taoism

Capra, Fritjof - The Tao of Physics (online)

Hoff, Benjamin - Tao of Poo (borrow)

Hoff, Benjamin – Te of Piglet (borrow

Reid, Daniel - The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity (borrow)

Tzu, Chuang - Chuang Tzu (online)

Tzu, Lao - Tao Te Ching - Translated by Gia Fu Feng & Jane English (text)

Tzu, Lao - Tao Te Ching (read by TotJO Jedi) (audio)

Tzu, Lao - Tao Te Ching - Translated by Stephen Mitchell (text) (online video)

Tzu, Lieh – Lieh Tzu (online)

Eastern Philosophy

I Ching - Richard Wilheim Translation (online)

Krishnamurti, Jiddu - Freedom From The Known (online)

Musashi, Miyamoto - The Book of Five Rings (online)
Nitobe, Inazo - Bushido - The Warriors Code (online)

Nitobe, Inazo - The Way of the Samurai ()

Russell, Stephen - Barefoot Doctor: Manifesto ()

Soho, Takuan - The Unfettered Mind (borrow)
Tsunetomo, Yamamoto - Hagakure Book of the Samurai ()

Tzu, Sun - The Art of War (online)

Watts, Alan - Philosophies of Asia (online)

Watts, Alan - The Book (onlinevideo)


Adyashanti - The Way of Liberation (online)

Bhagavad Gita -  (online audio, online)

The Rig Veda (online)

Upanishads (text)


Armstrong, Karen – Islam (online)

Hadland Davis - The Persian Mystics, Rumi (online)

Palmer, E.H. - Oriental Mysticism (online)

Quran (Translation: F. Malik) (text)

Jedi (Academic papers and History)

Davidsen, MA – Jedi Community History (online)

Davidsen, MA – The Jedi Community: History and Folklore of a fiction-based religion (online)

Holmes, Rachel – Legal Analysis of TOTJO UK Charity Application (online)

Kitchen, M - The Jedi Movement: An Identity Emerging on the Internet (Dissertation) (text)

Open University – Jediism (online)

Sandberg, Russell – Analysis of TOTJO UK Charity Application (online)

Sandberg, Russell – Jediism (online)

Singler, Beth – The Jedi Religion (video)


Tanakh (text)

Zohar (text)

Gewurz, Elias - Mysteries of the Qabalah (online)

Mathers, SL - Kabbalah Unveiled (online


Chen, Ting – The Fundamentals of Meditation Practice (online)

Davich, Victor - 8 Minute Meditation (audio)

Krishnamurti, Jiddu - The Beginning of Meditation (video)

McKenna, Paul - Change Your Life in 7 days (video)

Ramchandraji, Sri – Meditation (online)

Watts, Alan - Meditation (audio)

Meditation at (videos)

Mysticism / Perennialism

Anon - The Cloud of Unknowing (online)

Besant, Annie - Esoteric Christianity (online)

Blake, William - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (online)

Booth, Mark - Secret History of the World (online

Buck, J - Mystic Masonry (online)

Evans, CD - Meister Eckhart (online)

Gewurz, Elias - Mysteries of the Qabalah (online)

Gurdjieff, George – Key Concepts of the WORK (online)

Hadland Davis - The Persian Mystics, Rumi (online)

Huxley, Aldous - The Perennial Philosophy (online)

Mathers, SL - Kabbalah Unveiled (online)

Newton, J - The Builders: A story and study of masonry (online)

Nirmala - Nothing Personal (online)

Pike, Albert - Morals and Dogmas (online)

Ramacharaka, Yogi - Mystic Christianity (online)

Ramacharaka, Yogi - The Science of Breath (online)

Regardie, Israel - The One Year Manual (online)

Rothwell, F - Jesus: The Last Great Initiate (online)

Russell, Bertrand - Mysticism and Logic (online)

Palmer, E.H. - Oriental Mysticism (online)

Suzuki, DT - Mysticism Christian and Buddhist (online)

Swinburne Clymer - Son of God: Mystical Teaching of the Masters (online)

Tolstoy, Leo - The Kingdom of God is within You (online)

Underhill, Evelyn - Practical Mysticism (online)

Wolfe, Robert - Living Nonduality (online)


Karen, Armstrong - A Short History of Myth (online)

Three Initiates (Sacred Magic) - The Kybalion (online)

Campbell, Joseph - The Power of Myth (online)

Campbell, Joseph - The Hero With A Thousand Faces (online)

Religion (Comparative)

Armstrong, Karen – A History of God (online)

Hayden, Brian - Shamans, Sorcerers and Saints (online)

Young, William - The Shack (borrow)

Gods Must be Crazy (online video)


Bohm, David - Wholeness and the Implicate Order (online)

Hawking, Stephen - A Brief History of Time (online)

Sheldrake, Rupert - Presence of the Past (borrow)

Spiritual Fiction

Gibran, Kahlil - The Prophet (online)

Hesse, Herman – Siddhartha (online)

Hesse, Herman – Steppenwolf (borrow)

Millman, Dan - Way of the Peaceful Warrior (onlinemovie)

Redfield, James - The Celestine Prophecy (online audioonline video)

Sharma, Robin – The Monk who sold his Ferrari (online, online audio)

Star Wars

Star Wars Mythology and Philosophy of the Force (online)

Star Wars - The Legacy Revealed (online video)

The Philosophy of Star Wars (online)

Western Philosophy

Bandler, Richard - Frogs into Princes: Neuro-Linguistic Programing (online)

Baudrillard, Jean - Simulacra And Simulation (borrow)

Buber, Martin - I and Thou (online)

Epicurus - Principal Doctrines (online)

Leonard, George – Mastery (borrow)

Miguel, Don - The Four Agreements (online)

O'Donohue, John - To Bless the Space Between Us (borrow)

Plato - The Republic (online)

Plato - Regarding the Trial and Death of Socrates (online)

Russell, Bertrand - Problems of Philosophy (online)

Russell, Bertrand - A History of Western Philosophy (online audio)

Spinoza, Baruch de - The Philosophy of Spinoza (online)

Tolle, Eckhart - The Power of Now (online)

Wilson, Robert Anton - Prometheus Rising (borrow)

Watts, Alan - The Joyous Cosmology (borrow)

Watts, Alan - Psychedelic drugs and the religious experience (online)



Hoffman. Yoel - The Sound of one Hand Clapping (borrow)

Pirsig, Robert - The Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance (online)

Suzuki - Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (online)

Watts, Alan - Way of Zen (borrow)

Zengetsu - Advice to the Student (online)

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